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To be eligible for a return, the product must have been purchased on our site, without any discount or promotion, must not have been used or opened, depending on the product it must still be sealed, and in the same condition as you received it with its original packaging. In all cases, products purchased on our site cannot be returned without our written agreement. All unauthorized returns will be refused.

1/ Defective, Damaged, Missing

If the product you receive is defective or damaged, you must contact our customer service department at + 514-861-6445 or send an e-mail (, within 10 working days of the delivery date. After this time, unfortunately, we will not be able to take your claim into account. ATTENTION: Even if it is usual for the shipping carton to show signs of wear on delivery, we draw your attention to the need to refuse delivery to the carrier if the package is too damaged or open. If you accept the parcel, please check with the delivery person that there are the correct number of products inside. If you notice any missing items, write them down on the carrier's delivery note. If you fail to do so, we will not be able to replace or refund the missing products. Make sure that any reservations for damaged or open packages are written on the carrier's delivery note, so that we can file a claim.

2/ Product not in conformity with the order

If the product you receive is not the one you ordered, you must also contact our customer service department on +514-861-6445 or send an e-mail (, within 10 working days of the delivery date to report the delivery error. After this period, we will not be able to take your complaint into account. If the delivery error is confirmed, we will of course send you the correct product as soon as possible and organize the return of the product delivered in error. If the product is out of stock, we will refund your money. Please note that no refunds or exchanges will be made following incorrect application of our 3M decals.

3/ Returns procedure

Once you have received our return authorization, you must pack the product(s) to be returned in the original packaging (which is a prerequisite), padding it well to prevent damage to the product(s) during return transport, as poorly packed products that arrive damaged may no longer be eligible for exchange or refund. Once your return has been received and inspected, we will send you an e-mail to inform you of the approval or rejection of your return. In all cases, you will be responsible for the return postage costs, except in the case of defective or damaged products or incorrect deliveries.

4/ Exclusions

Please note that we cannot accept returns in the following cases:

  • If you have refused delivery.
  • If the products purchased are delivered outside Canada.
  • If delivery is blocked due to local taxes or duties.
  • If the delivery is blocked or confiscated by customs due to restrictions or regulations.
  • In all cases of force majeure (natural disaster, health catastrophe, pandemic, etc.) beyond our control.

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